- the UK's ONLY dedicated LGBTQ publisher
Great books for EVERYONE. Whether you're LGBTQ, straight or something in between!
Search the world of LGBTQ books and, more often than not, you are going to find bad writing and predictable stories, too many victims & stereotyped characters.
Here at LGBTQ Publishing we aim to change that.
We strive to bring you quality fiction; romance, humour, drama... but with LGBTQ protagonists and/or written by LGBTQ authors.
PLUS our books are aimed at all readers. Not just LGBTQ readers but EVERYONE.
You want quality? You got it!
"We are readers first and foremost. We love books, we love reading! So if we publish a book, or review a book, or whatever, it's because we have read it. BUT if YOU know of any great LGBTQ books, whether published or unpublished, TELL US!"
"Authors can contact us direct. In fact, WE WANT AUTHORS to contact us because we want to publish your work! So... GET IN TOUCH & find out what we can offer YOU."
"We are not literary agents, and literary agents are NOT welcome! Agents have placed themselves between authors and publishers, and now act as gate-keepers who block great books. We are here to HELP CHANGE THAT."
"Old fashion publishing is dying a slow death. The great news for authors (and readers) is that there are now new and better ways of doing things... GET IN TOUCH and FIND OUT MORE!"
In our humble opinion, these are the very best LGBTQ books out there. This is the kind of stuff we want MORE of. So why not take a look at some of the following and maybe even buy one or two of them and have a good read?
PLUS These are 'must read' books for EVERYONE, whether you are LGBTQ or not.
Check out all the latest UK based LGBTQ news and much more on the following sites