Great NEW Writing

SOLNA Press. We are now publishing books under our SOLNA imprint. The SOLNA label is for all writing, not just LGBTQ. So if you'd like to be published... contact us. Let's talk!

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'SOLNA Press. New books for everyone.'

(2020) 'Chaos and Darkness: SAVING TIME' Author: David Ewing - In their FIRST adventure! Chaos and Darkness are bored. But the Universe is about to face it's greatest DANGER as the EVIL Malice and her cohorts threaten the bring TIME itself to a standstill.... New fantasy humour at it's best!

(2020) 'Chaos and Darkness: THE SEARCH FOR SHOCK' Author: David Ewing - FANTASY HUMOUR. Searching for Shock, in their SECOND adventure, Chaos & Darkness expect a nice holiday on a desert island. BUT things soon start to go terribly wrong, and as Chaos sinks slowly into a swamp, he screams "Help! I'm an ELEMENTAL. Get me OUT OF HERE!"

(2020) 'Chaos and Darkness: VOTES n VIRUSES' Author: David Ewing - Best New Fantasy Series 2020. It's ELECTION YEAR on Sport World. And only Chaos & Darkness stand in the way of a sinister plot to steal the outcome of the election - using a DEADLY virus!